UK Go Updates: Andrew Simons wins Candidates’ Tournament

Andrew Simons wins Candidates’ Tournament: Andrew Simons won all his games to win the first stage of the British Championship. The Candidates’ Tournament was held this year at The Fulbourn Centre with 24 participants total. The qualifiers for the Challengers’ League are Andrew Simons 4d, Charles Hibbert 3d, Desmond Cann 3d, Tim Hunt 2d, Richard Hunter 2d, James Hutchinson 1d, and Francis Roads 1d. However, Desmond Cann is this year’s UK rep for the World Amateur, so his qualification for the Challengers’ League is deferred for one year. His place is taken by the next placed person: Toby Manning 1d.

Another German Winner for Bar-Low: The winner this year was German 3 kyu Tobias Ungerer from Cambridge University, who won 4 out of 5 games. His only loss was to Bogdan Ghica who came second on tie break.The event was held at the Junior Parlour in Whewell’s Court, Trinity Street.

via American Go E-Journal

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